
5/4//18  -  Time is up.... So this week is the last week to write our blogs and all in all our project was unsuccessful. last week Jocelyn went to my house and we tried restyling the shirts we didn't want anymore. She tried making a crop top out a t-shirt dress and she didn't expect the result she wanted to have. then for me i took a very patterned shirt and tried making a bandu which is like a tube top. we need my grandmas sewing machine but she wasn't available so we had to sew it by hand.  Our struggle was sewing our clothes by hand. We didn't get to finish and it was a long process without the sewing machine. We learned how to sew on our own, it wasn't perfect but it worked. The closer the due date for the project came we felt that we didn't have enough time. Our end result was to make a business out the idea we had, sell clothes and make the clothes that we had in mind then donate the profit we had to the community, but a lot of  personal things got
Date: 4/27/18 Title: Almost the End Success: There was no real success in the project. We did not work on the project this week. We are meeting on saturday to start the project. We are probably going to make something small to get some experience. After that we will be working on it on the following wee. We have no idea what were going to do for the ted talk. Failure: Not doing anything. Being busy that you don't have time to work on the project. Not knowing where to start. Finding time and ideas of what to do. High school ending has been making us stress about the future. Not knowing what we're going to do after high school. What's Next: Trying to finish the project.
4/20/18 Success: Finally prom week was over,  We were suppose to work on the project last weekend but Jocelyn wasn't in town and she was with her family. As I was cleaning my room and doing laundry, I found some of my leggings that have tears in them because of so many wears and uses, it always happens to me so i went to get a sewing kit and tried closing the big tears on my leggings, I used the skills that i knew from my grandma and the stitching was a bit messy and it took me at least 20 minutes but I made it work. Struggles : Putting the thread inside the needle was a hard especially for me because my vision isn't perfect and i actually need to wear glasses but I don't and so it took me a while to loop the thread in, My stitching actually wasn't bad since i took my time, it was just a little crooked. Whats next: this week we are going to be busy and we will get ahead on our project, at least we have some of the materials already and at this point we are going
Date: 4/12/18 Title: Getting ready for prom Successes: We haven't worked on the project, this week. So, there is no real successes. We are up to date on our blog posts. I just had to add one more blog for this week, to make sure we get the credit. We found out we will still have to present for this project. Struggles: The failure of not making time to work on the project. We were mostly focused on prom. We had personal issues as well. Our plans for prom got ruined because of a friend, she changed her plans. We just left off in the same spot as last week.  What's Next: Hopefully next week will have time to work on the project because we are running behind. We have less than a month to finish and it feels like we haven't even started.
4/5/18 Blog#7 - Making The Clothes Success: Me and Jocelyn learned how to sew a plain blouse and make a shirt, from watching a youtube video a youtuber named Anika VIctoria, she made a video about taking cloth material that is laying around or don't wear anymore so that we can still use to renovate a new different style of shirt. She made a very simple video and it was very easy to follow. We started to practice and practice to see what we like and don't like for the style of the shirt. Now that we have a good shirt we can apply the techniques we used on making another clothing item. Struggles: Using the sewing machine was kind of scary in the beginning, I thought I was going to get my fingers caught. Thanks to the help of youtube tutorials and my grandma I was more careful off what I was doing. I tried making a perfect and simple line of thread, but I kind of went cooked but it was fine because it was just practice. Making a shirt might look simple but it takes a lot of


3/21/18 Blog #6 : Practicing Successes: After, we made the list of items and bought the items we started to practice making clothes. After making sure we don't need anymore items, we went to our closets and took out clothes that we don't wear anymore or want to make modifications on. We brought all our items together to my house. We set everything up and started by watching a youtube video. We started to practice on our clothes. Struggles: One of our struggles was getting all to one house and deciding whose house we should practice in. Also, making time in our busy schedules to work on this assignment. Another struggle was going through our closets and choosing clothes we were willing to practice on. Finally, the struggle we faced was learning different sewing techniques and making sure that they are beginner. What's Next? : Our next move is to continue practicing and try to develop our technique. Also, watch more videos and research sewing for beginners.
3/15/2018 (Francesca) Blog 5 : The Process and Budget We looked for the supplies at our houses, made the list of what we have and don't have, went to go buy the things we need at Walmart, and started to practice on some clothes we don't usually wear anymore. the things that we already have are a sewing machine, seam ripper, fabric scissors, measuring tape, bobbins, thread and marking tools. Although we still need a few items like a yardstick, rotary cutter, safety pins, ribbons, needle threader, water erasable, elastic and a cutting board. Adding all the materials that we don't have would total up to at least $87. The successes is writing and listing the materials that we need and don't need. Jocelyn and I are going to be splitting the budget that we have so that we can pay equally. The total amount its gonna come up to about 90$ which scares us because we still need other materials. Whats next? : Practicing our skills and developing them so, we can make a full o