
Blog #6 : Practicing

Successes: After, we made the list of items and bought the items we started to practice making clothes. After making sure we don't need anymore items, we went to our closets and took out clothes that we don't wear anymore or want to make modifications on. We brought all our items together to my house. We set everything up and started by watching a youtube video. We started to practice on our clothes.

Struggles: One of our struggles was getting all to one house and deciding whose house we should practice in. Also, making time in our busy schedules to work on this assignment. Another struggle was going through our closets and choosing clothes we were willing to practice on. Finally, the struggle we faced was learning different sewing techniques and making sure that they are beginner.

What's Next? : Our next move is to continue practicing and try to develop our technique. Also, watch more videos and research sewing for beginners.


  1. Wow guys, you are doing amazing ! Your project is really fascinating. Your result seems very positive so, good job!


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