
Success: Finally prom week was over,  We were suppose to work on the project last weekend but Jocelyn wasn't in town and she was with her family. As I was cleaning my room and doing laundry, I found some of my leggings that have tears in them because of so many wears and uses, it always happens to me so i went to get a sewing kit and tried closing the big tears on my leggings, I used the skills that i knew from my grandma and the stitching was a bit messy and it took me at least 20 minutes but I made it work.

Struggles : Putting the thread inside the needle was a hard especially for me because my vision isn't perfect and i actually need to wear glasses but I don't and so it took me a while to loop the thread in, My stitching actually wasn't bad since i took my time, it was just a little crooked.

Whats next: this week we are going to be busy and we will get ahead on our project, at least we have some of the materials already and at this point we are going to work with what we have.


  1. Hello, i already love the idea of the stitching because i used to so stitching when i was back in my country and i wish i still have time to do that. So i am so glad to see that someone is actually interested doing this. I would love to see what you guys end up creating because it already seem very exciting.

  2. Love the idea of your blog! Just like you, I learned stitching from my grandmother so I can relate to you. What kind of project are you guys doing with clothes? I can't wait to see the end result of your project. Great job!

  3. I think your idea is amazing as i do not know how to sew but i would love to learn. I believe it will be a very helpful skill to have. I'd like too know what your plan is to do with the clothes you make, if that is your plan? I suggest seeing it or donating it to people who are homeless and in need.

  4. (Mariah Puetz)
    This blog like all the rest was easily readable, everything was clearly stated. I also learned how to sew through my grandma when I was much younger. The hardest struggle for me and a lot of people is the inserting of the thread into the tiny whole. Overall, thank you for opening up about the memory with your grandma.

  5. I love what you ladies are doing! i'm sure there is a lot of patience's going in and sewing clothes together. Good luck!

  6. This blog is very organized and the background and theme matche what you are doing really well. I love that you guys are doing your project on sewing its very unique and stands out from everyone else's !

  7. The format of your blog is well organized and similar to mine which makes it very easy for me to get around it. I also had a lot of trouble putting the thread through the tiny hole in the needle but then i stumbled upon a youtube video that showed me hacks on how to get the thread through the needle much easier. I forgot what the video was exactly called but if you search for sewing hacks I'm sure you'll find a helpful video.

  8. I really love your idea! I love the background and how you guys set up your blogger. I also like your idea i think it is very smart and even thought it is hard you can still manage even though it takes a while.


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