
Showing posts from March, 2018


3/21/18 Blog #6 : Practicing Successes: After, we made the list of items and bought the items we started to practice making clothes. After making sure we don't need anymore items, we went to our closets and took out clothes that we don't wear anymore or want to make modifications on. We brought all our items together to my house. We set everything up and started by watching a youtube video. We started to practice on our clothes. Struggles: One of our struggles was getting all to one house and deciding whose house we should practice in. Also, making time in our busy schedules to work on this assignment. Another struggle was going through our closets and choosing clothes we were willing to practice on. Finally, the struggle we faced was learning different sewing techniques and making sure that they are beginner. What's Next? : Our next move is to continue practicing and try to develop our technique. Also, watch more videos and research sewing for beginners.
3/15/2018 (Francesca) Blog 5 : The Process and Budget We looked for the supplies at our houses, made the list of what we have and don't have, went to go buy the things we need at Walmart, and started to practice on some clothes we don't usually wear anymore. the things that we already have are a sewing machine, seam ripper, fabric scissors, measuring tape, bobbins, thread and marking tools. Although we still need a few items like a yardstick, rotary cutter, safety pins, ribbons, needle threader, water erasable, elastic and a cutting board. Adding all the materials that we don't have would total up to at least $87. The successes is writing and listing the materials that we need and don't need. Jocelyn and I are going to be splitting the budget that we have so that we can pay equally. The total amount its gonna come up to about 90$ which scares us because we still need other materials. Whats next? : Practicing our skills and developing them so, we can make a full o
3/8/18 Blog #4 Searching (Jocelyn) Success:  What we did is go through the list together and see what we have at our houses. We went through the list and highlighted the items we knew we had. I took time to go through my mom's sewing items to find items  I listed. We took the items we don't have and looked up the price for each one. I tried to make sure I put a fair price for each item. I stayed with Walmart knowing it was probably the cheapest option. We still have to get together to put all our items together. We have to go and buy the items at Walmart. Struggles:  Taking time out our day to work on this. I have some personal issues I need to be focusing on, which makes it difficult to work on our project. It seems like we always have something we need to do instead of the project. What's Next? The next step is go look at our drawers and find some clothes that we can practice on.
3/1/18 Blog #3 - Making THE List Successes:  After going on Face time with Francesca we discussed items that we both knew we had and items that we needed. After this I looked at blogs and Youtube videos to get ideas. Some blogs listed all the items they use when creating clothes. Some videos on Youtube were about different types of ways you can up cycle clothes.  It showed turning a dress into a skirt for example. From that I made a list of tools we need to get started with the project. On the list I included the price for each item we would be needing. Struggle:  One struggle is seeing if we truly need the item. Some blogs would contradict each other. Each blog would add something new. A lot of blogs had categories for tools, which made it easier for me to decide which tools are better. Overall, our struggle was seeing what items we truly needed. What's next? Finding the items will be our next step.
February 22, 2018 / 8:19 pm Planning and Change of Plans  - Blog 2  Over the past few weeks, me and my partner Jocelyn have been talking about what our plans are going to be. So far, we talked on Facetime on Saturday, February 17th and talked about the materials we are going to need. Budgeting was also part of our discussion and how we are going to practice on the clothes we don't wear anymore. That way we don't waste money and we figure out how we are going to create new clothing from our old clothes. We set our starting budget to 100 dollars. When we practice we are going to reference Youtube tutorials to make trendy shirts and bottoms. The materials we need consist of cutting fabrics and etc. Jocelyn and I both have sewing machines at home from our parents and other little materials such as thread and needles. The successes that we have was figuring out how we are implementing this project and to also give back for the community. During the process of